Wednesday 24 April 2013

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute my media product and why?

What kind of film are we making.
  • An independant british superhero dark comedy with elements of teen comedy-drama, action and tragicomedy.
  • Aimed at teens (specifically men).
What do distributers do?
Distributers are responsible for the marketing of the film. They set the release date and the meathod of release for the product. These include:
  • Theatrical release (in cinemas)
  • Direct to DVD
  • Video on Demand (through things like Love film and Netflix. The show is streamed directly to your computer or TV through the power of the internet. Also using Iplayer and various other internet catch up sites)
  • DVD on Demand (usually used to distribute cheap, homemade horror movies. Order from a website and the company will burn the film onto a disc and send it to you. Good way of getting cheap, terrible horror films).
  • Download
  • Television seies, miniseries or TV film.
  • Film Festivals (Sundance, Cannes)
Distribution companies are also responsible for the overall hype and media attention of the film. They produce posters, trailers, TV spots, internet pages, Facebook and twitter accounts and even Youtube pages. They are also in charge of censorship of the film and dubbing/subtitling foregn films they import to the UK/ US.
Distribution is the most important part of the filmmaking process as without it the film would never be seen.

What would I expect them to do?
I would want my distributers to set up a facebook fan page, design posters for magazines, cinemas and internet webpages. I would also get them to edit trailers and TV spots and put them in theatres, TV stations and social media/video sharing sites like facebook, vimeo & Youtube. Also I would like them to show my film at an independant film festival.

What media institutions could we get and why?

Vertigo films are known for producing and
distributing independant British films.

Lionsgate have produced the films Kick-Ass and the action film
The Expendables. They are an independant company

This company have produced alot of comic book films
like 300, Watchmen, Superman Returns & the Dark Knight Trilogy.
They are also involved in the production/distribution of the upcoming Man Of Steel.

Responsible for the international distribution of the dark comedy superhero film Super.

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