Wednesday 24 April 2013

Evaluation Question 2

How does my media product represent particular social groups.

  • Stereotypical teenage males (anger, agression, lonlieness)
  • Outsiders (Used alot in superhero films and also teen dramas and even rom-coms).
  • Both stereotypical and archetypal nerd (goes from a weak nerd to a tough super villain, reminds me of Sydrome from The Incredibles).
  • Normal kids (neither character actually have any powers, like in Kick Ass).
In my film clip I wanted to portray the stereotypical idea of teenaged males in Britain.

The hero is a normal British kid who falls out with his girlfriend and will do anything to get her back, including becoming a superhero (well it's the thought that counts.) All alone in the world he takes out his agression in the typical male way and beats up the nerdy kid. He sinks into a moody, depressed state because he is all alone in the world now. Then he becomes a superhero hoping his ex will get in trouble so he can save her (Perhaps the word normal was the wrong one to use.)

Or villain is a nerdy outcast, who reads comic books, watches Superhero films, and spends his life alone. His years of lonliness have caused his mind to wander into strange delusions and dangerous daydreams. After he is attacked he cracks, bulks up and becomes a violent bad guy. He is not so stereotypical because of his fall into madness, but the themes of lonliness and teenage angst and alienation are portrayed through him

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