Wednesday 6 March 2013

Sound design

Sound design is everything you here in a film or TV show. It includes backgroud noise, dialogue, score, sound effects, ambient/drone noises and every thing else that you can here (including silence).

Sound design is just as if not more important than visual image. Sound can change the mood completley.

Now heres the last part of the scene again, with a different mood.

Some of the best examples of great sound design are used in horror movies. Watch this scene from House At The End Of The Street.
Notice how all the way through the scene there is a creepy drone sound and a sting at the end. The sound effects are also more exaggerated  Now watch it again with the sound off. Notice the difference. This happens in alot of horror.

Notice the heavy breathing. Unnerving isn't it.
It's not just horror films that have sound design. All movies do. Horror films simply use it in a more elaborate way. Watch this
Not only is there dialogue in this scene, but also every time iron man moves you can here a robotic sound from his suit. Footsteps and faint background noise from outside are also added in.

Sound designers have always found ingenious ways of creating the noises they want:

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