Tuesday 5 February 2013

Mysterious, electronic music/sound effects.
Special effects.
If aliens are concerned, usually a shot of the sky/space
Viruses/ epidemics
Often filtered light.
Long takes.
Futuristic props/costumes.
Starts off normal then the action happens.
Sometimes voice over (usually in older sci-fi).
Settings: Future, space, laboratoties, normal settings.

The only version of this I could get has a banner at the bottom.

Comic books:
Spectacular, grand music usually orchestral.
CGI titles.
start with a shot of the hero, portraying them as normal at the start.
A motif for becoming a hero (the death of a relative is usually the cause).
A villain as powerful as the hero.
Long sweeping takes.
Dark and bright contasting colours.
voice over.

Rom Com:
Romantic, slow music.
Bright lighting and bright colours.
If it's a teen movie, modern music.
Boy meets girl.
Something gets in the way of Love.
Usually an awkward/ pure comedy character.
Resolved in time for a happy ending.

Fictional Film based on True events:
Usually begin with either a normal day or a disaster of some kind.
focus on one or two characters in general.
Love/friendship often feature.
Either exaggerates events or goes for hard hitting realism.
music is often hopeful and uplifting.

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